Monday, April 16, 2007

Supply vs. Demand

Most people think the supply of volunteers is the issue. We’ve all heard the cries for “Help!”, “Volunteer Today!”, and “Give back to your community!”. In fact, the supply is not the issue. The issue is demand.

There are many people wanting to give both their time and talent, and to have the opportunity to apply their skills and expertise to an area that matches their passion. However, the demand from not-for-profit organizations is typically for (what we call) the more traditional volunteer roles—roles which are often repetitive and menial, and quite frankly, unimportant.

The ‘new’ volunteer (recently retired baby boomers or members of the 20-something generation, for example) is looking for opportunities that are strategic and short-term—volunteer roles where their ideas and expertise are welcomed. These people are the changing face of available talent. Community organizations would be wise to get ready to involve these volunteers when they come knocking.

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